In the early years, the lines between your personal finances and the finances of the business can be very blurry.

When you add employees and executives, those lines become more clear but often more complex. Wherever you find yourself (even planning to start a business) we are here to help and to grow with you and your business. Our assessment process will help you identify where you and your business are in the growth process and the key areas of planning that should be front and center.



Beyond the start-up phase, all planning – both personal and business – largely hinge on the understood value of your company. There are many ways and methods of doing a valuation. While certified valuations may be required in the future, they can take months to complete and cost as much as $10,000 or more. We offer an informal valuation to assist in your planning efforts.

For a complimentary report on your company that details different valuations and Key Performance Indicators benchmarked to your industry, you can access our valuation software here. Once complete, we’ll reach out to discuss the results of your report.

HTK does not offer tax, legal, or business valuation advice. Biz Equity is unaffiliated with HTK. Trademarks belong to their respective owners.